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School Choice Open Enrollment

Avondale Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center

Media Center

Avondale Elementary Media Center
Rhonda Lester (Teacher Librarian)

Sarah McDonald (Library Media Assistant)

Our mission is to ensure students and teachers can locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.  We desire to foster a love of reading and to create lifelong learners who can use their information skills to pursue their personal and academic interests.

About the Media Center
The Media Center is an integral part of learning at Avondale Elementary School.  Students are welcome to check out books, read, and do research.  Over 11,000 items are available for student and teacher use.   Students may come to the media center between 8:00 and 2:00 with a pass from their teacher or with their whole class. Avondale Elementary School is fortunate to have access to numerous databases.   These resources are available both at school and to our students at home. 

Circulation Policies
Students may check out books for two weeks.  If the student has an overdue book, they may not check out any more books until it is returned.
  • Kindergarten and First Grade: one book 
  • Second Grade through Fifth Grade: two books

All books may be renewed as needed.  Special arrangements may be made for checking out more books if needed for class projects.  Students will be charged for lost or damaged materials according to the repair or replacement value of the book.

Destiny Quest is our online catalog. Use Destiny to find a books in the library.
You can access our Media Catalog from home, through Clever, or by following this Destiny link
Use Destiny to find books by author, title, subject, keyword, or series.